Friday, April 15, 2011

How to prevent Cellulite formation?

Source of information : TV programme Learn this recently but a bit too late for my already formed "train railways" across my tummy and my thigh/butt. Nonetheless, shall do the routine to prevent expansion of the railway network. Breaking up Cellulite formation Clamp up your fist. We are going to use the knuckles of your fist to perform the routine.

  • Using the fist knuckles, RUB upwards your thigh towards the butt, if you feel any bumps during the rubbing, it means fats already forming on the skin layer which will form cellulite soon. Rub through to break it.

  • Repeat the same routine for 20mins on both thigh.

The same routine can be done on tummy or arms.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Toning up the Thigh through simple exercise

Source of information : TV programme

When we age, many parts of our body/face will lose our firmness. What I learn today is some simple exercise that we can do at home and they actually work!

In a lay down position, raise our knee over our heart level

  • Helps to improve blood circulation

  • Tones up the thigh muscle

With a partner, on a sitting position facing each other, You sits with both leg close and she/he sits with both leg open with knee cap touching each other. You will then try to OPEN your leg wide and she/he will try best to keep your leg close.

  • You gets to tone up your external thigh muscle in this exercise

  • She/he gets to tone up their internal thigh muscle in this exercise

  • Exchange position after each game, until both of your legs start arching.

  • You can still do the exercise, by holding a basketball with your knee cap and keep it from dropping. No basketball? Water bottle works too.

How to relieve motion sickness?

Source of information : TV programme I had always suffer from motion sickness. Used to rely on medicine but sometimes I would forget to bring the medicine along. Saw on the TV programme that some natural food actually work very well when its been experiment on students that suffer from the same problem.

    Ginger pill or ginger tea

    Lemon slices

    According to the expert in the show, motion sickness is caused by our eye and ear is sending difference signal towards our brain. The eye see no motion but the balancing drums in our ear is telling the brain that we are having hugh motion difference. The brain being the most intelligence system analyse that difference and conclude we are suffering from poisoning and thus combat the system by evoking vomitting command.

    Taking lemon slices or ginger stops the signal sent to the brain and stop the confusion.

    I shall try this on my next trip.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    3 Bow after meal help relieve some problems?

    Source of information : newspaper According to some studies by chinese physician, 3 bows after meal can help relieve discomfort in stomach area and to speedup digestion system. You have to bow very very slowly towards 90 degree and must maintain the posture for 1-2min. After 15days, the discomfort around stomach will be improved). Avoid doing if you suffer from digestive acid backflow and have high blood pressure. Anyone tried this before?

    Porridge and it's 4 benefits

    Source of information : Newspaper

    Being a hokkien dialect group, we have porridge as lunch almost every meal. Slightly difference from Cantonese version, Hokkien porridge contains more liquid and not cooked as thick and as soft. We prefer our porridge to be grainy and some mothers like to add sweet potatoes during cooking too.

    Some benefit of porridge :

    1. Easy to digest

    2. Great for those who suffer from stomach upset, the liquid in the porridge helps to replenish some of the water lose.

    3. A bowl of hot porridge in cold weather as breakfast is said to be helping the body to combat coldness. (hmmm, quite true as we always find hot soya bean served in mountainess area during our travelling as breakfast)

    Hokkien believe that the porridge water helps to "cool" down heaty body too.

      Porridge calories : Calories: 150 Protein: 8.4 g Carbs: 23.3 g Fat: 2.6 g Fiber: 1.8 g Serving: 8.0000 fl oz

      Very fast porridge cooking method :

      • Porridge need to be cooked in low fire or else it will simmer over the pot and spill out.

      • A simple method of cooking porridge constantly at high fire without spills out is to add a method spoon in the pot during cooking. The metal spoon will break the energy flow created during cooking and stop the over-simmer problem. You can cut down cooking time by 50% at least using this method.

      Some variety of porridge cooking :

      1. With seafood

      2. With meat

      3. With oats

      4. With 5 grains (good for its high fibre)

      5. With eggs

      6. With milk

      7. etc etc etc