Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bali - Babi GUling Ibu Oka

Since everyone rave about MUST eat at Ibu Oka and tell me that their Babi Guling is delicious, we went to try it our first lunch in Ubud.
While waiting for the food to arrive, we eat the fruit and crackers (chargeable) that is placed on the table. Seating cross legged, I had a few numbed leg moment.
When the food arrive, we start digging in and...... I do not find the whole dish delicious. The pork skin was not exactly crispy, it was not sufficiently seasoned well before roasting too. The sauce for the vegetable and rice, was just okay but not too appetizing to be rated #1.
Am I too picky? Well maybe, but my partner who usually "eat to live" style also rated it as "over-rated". Not cheap too, IMHO.

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